Monday, September 22, 2008


Wow. I added four stories to The One-Thousand in July and none in the last month and a half! That's bad. But I just sent out number 75 about forty-five minutes ago (At a 24 hour self-serve part of the post office). 75 is called Maisy's Many Souls. I don't even know if it's a good story, but I do know that I achieved something that I haven't achieved before. I've small steps improving conflict and characterization. I think that it's a story that a reader would want to keep reading because there's enough going on there. We'll see what happens.

Actually I've got a little poem all done and ready to go, but I can't give it a number until it goes out. I want to send it to a particular magazine but that mag currently has one of my stories, so I have to wait until they make a decision on that before I can send the poem to them. So there you go.