Monday, May 05, 2014

Are You Human? Take Our Quiz

Just curious. I know real people read my posts here when I direct them from social media sites. When I don't, I still get a handful of views. I know I get hammered by spammers in the comments, so I wonder is this handful all bots, or are there real unsolicited humans reading this stuff?

If you're human, please leave a comment. It can be super short if you're in a hurry. Thanks!


  1. I am in fact, a human. I think. At least that's what I've been led to believe. Maybe I am just a bot! Damn you Mango Man! I thought I knew who I was until you gave me an identity crisis!

  2. Sorry! If you are a bot, take heart in knowing you're one of the good bots!

  3. I'm human, but you probably suspected that. Not many bots out there bother to wish you a happy birthday without trying to sell you something.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I messed that one up, can't spell today. But, as Korben Dallas said, "Negative, I am a meat popsicle." Now, someone pass me one of hose 5 inch filtered cigarettes.

  6. Thank you, HK! I have at least three readers who don't need to be lured in!
