Friday, April 10, 2009

You Pay Now!

I forgot about my house payment last week. Is that bad? Well, yes, it is. The mortgage holder was paid, that wasn't the problem. It's an automatic debit, taken out every week, so that I can painlessly make thirteen payments in twelve months. The problem is, you've got to remember that the money is no longer in your account once it's paid. I missed that part. I've been doing fine for the last fifty-three weeks, since taking over bill-paying duties. Last week saw an end to that streak. So, I didn't record the debit and used that money to pay other bills. I was pretty pleased with myself. I was really catching up with the bills. Two days ago Toyota called in my mark and the dominoes started falling. Four overdrawn fees later, I'm out about a hundred bucks. I had to throw some dough in the account today to stop the hemorrhaging, otherwise, I would have seen at least two more fees over the weekend.

Good fun.

I had a couple stories run at Thaumatrope this week. Eastery ones here and here. Turns out the first one was the more original idea. Everyone there was doing egg stories this week. Who would have imagined? On Easter!

The StarShipSofa has been reupholstered! Check out the new look as you download the latest show:

Aural Delights No 79 Karen Joy Fowler

Editorial: The Sofanauts: The New Show… coming soon! by Tony C Smith

Poetry: Galaxy In A Matchbox by G O Clark

Fact: Hyperion II by Fred Himebaugh

Main Fiction: Standing Room Only by Karen Joy Fowler

Fact: The Machine Stops by Amy H Sturgis

New Titles: Madness Of Angles, Escape From Hell, Adamantine Palace, Xenopath

Narrators: Julie Davis, Kate Baker

This podcast is brought to you by Download a free audiobook of your choice today at

I just found this video. It's fun. But honestly, if I was the guy working the drive-thru that day, I'd be thinking to myself, "I wish this assholes would go somewhere else." He's a better man than I .

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